01-10-2016, 03:05 PM
We fished there Saturday 9th. We went to Sqaw Hollow and fished just south of there. The ice is roughly 6 inches everywhere we drilled. We walked all the way across and back! What a workout it has a couple inches of snow on it so it wasn't too slick. There was plenty of people out on the ice all were afoot except one guy came by on a 4wheeler he was blowing down the lake and passed by at about 50 yards and I could feel the ice kind of wave and the water in my hole surged up and down. We stayed until dark and never did see him come back by? As for the fishing this trip was rough. We were targeting mac in areas we fish in open water. We found fish but they were not biting much my buddy caught one pup and I got skunked! The roads were snowy but we didn't have any trouble driving around.