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Newton remains a mystery
I had the chance to drive up to Newton yesterday afternoon, and wanted to see if there was anything going on under the ice.
When I got there, the only tracks on the lake were from snowmobiles, and I didn't see any clear signs of holes having been drilled. On the west side of the dam, it looked like a truck might have tried to get through the snow, but I was not going to attempt that passage.
Instead, I drove to the parking area on the east side. There were tire tracks all through the parking lot there, and looked firm enough to try. As I entered the lot, it got softer as I moved toward the lake.
I got turned around but lost momentum and got stuck.
A very kind gentleman was parked just down the road going about his own business, and was kind enough to help me out. With a shovel, some kitty litter and a push, we were able to get my car back to the road. I am very grateful to that man.
I didn't see any sign of fish-related activity, and so decided I was not going to push my luck further.

I have no idea if the fishing is any good. It looked like either nobody knows or nobody cares. I only thought to try because I thought I saw someone post a report of crappie late in 2015.

Messages In This Thread
Newton remains a mystery - by gaardvark - 02-04-2016, 11:37 PM

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