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Fried Pickerel Recipe
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Remove the head and tail from the fish; with a sharp, pointed knife cut down the entire length of the front and empty the contents; cut off the fins, and with the back of the knife and the fingers work out the backbone and the small bones attached to it; cut the flesh down through the center of the back, then with the back of the knife push the flesh from the skin, thus making two long fillets. [/font]

[font "Arial"]Leave these whole, or cut them in two or three pieces, each, according to the size of the fish. Lay them in an agate or earthen dish, pour over them one or two tablespoonfuls of oil and a tablespoonful of vinegar; sprinkle them with slices of onion and parsley branches, cover and set aside in a cool place for an hour or two, or until the next morning. [/font]

[font "Arial"]Drain the slices, roll them in flour, season with salt and pepper, and set into a frying pan containing two or three tablespoonfuls of hot fat. Fat fried out of salt pork is particularly good for this purpose. [/font]

[font "Arial"]Cook over a brisk fire until browned on one side, then turn and brown the other side. The fillets may also be egged-and-crumbed, and fried about five minutes in deep fat. [/font]

[font "Arial"]They may, also, be baked in the oven, by the recipes given for cooking black bass. Serve with sliced tomatoes, or cucumbers, or with tomato sauce.


Cook a cup and a half of stewed or fresh tomato, half a green pepper pod, and half an onion, each sliced fine, also a bit of lean ham if at hand, ten or fifteen minutes, then strain and use the pure[/font][/font]

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