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What's going on in Utah?

IF you are not paying attention to what the legislators are doing then you are letting them get away with a lot of things, First off if you like the way Utah runs its hunts continue to do nothing.

We need you at the legislature this Monday, Feb. 29 at 1:30 p.m. A joint hearing is scheduled with the House & Senate Resource Committees in the
The scheduled hearing is about how some in the Idaho legislature (and in Utah) want to lock us out of our public lands and waste our tax dollars on a frivolous lawsuit.
This is about more than just public lands.
By holding this hearing, the legislature is directly calling sportsmen out.
Last year sportsmen raised our voices at the legislature. We held a highly visible rally on the steps of the capitol. We beat back bills on public lands transfer and won in the press. We stopped a number of bad amendments seeking to corrupt a necessary fee increase for our IDFG. We took a loss on the menigeal worm rule, but we went down swinging.
Now senate resources is calling our bluff. Make no mistake, they don’t believe we have what it takes to fight over the long haul.
This is same the committee trying to ram auction tags down our throats.
This is the committee dead set on undermining our IDFG commission and ignoring the will of Idaho sportsmen.
This is committee chairman who wants to see sportsman opportunity – in the form of elk tags – transferred to landowners for profit.
Monday's hearing is not about public lands, it is about respect.
It’s about sportsmen paying our fair share and deserving a fair shake.
It’s about preserving fishing and hunting opportunity for our kids and grandkids and calling out legislators for these laughable shenanigans designed to line their own pockets.
This hearing is about standing up for our IDFG, the agency that we fund and count on to preserve our fish and wildlife.
It’s about standing up for our commission, who could teach the legislature much about transparency and understanding the will of their constituency.
Meet with other sportsmen at 1 p.m in the park across from the capitol

Messages In This Thread
What's going on in Utah? - by elkmagnet - 02-11-2016, 11:39 PM
Re: [elkmagnet] What's going on in Utah? - by elkmagnet - 02-27-2016, 07:22 PM

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