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Wiper Palatability
[quote HambonesF2]When filleting, I ALWAYS remove the dark red layer next to the skin. It's NASTY.


If you aren't doing this, then you are doing it wrong!

Smaller wipers (and stripers) don't have as much of this red strip in the middle of the filet as larger fish do. Just take your filet knife and make a "v" notch down the center and peel that red strip out.

Now you've got a nice filet.

(Just not as nice as crappie or walleye!)

Messages In This Thread
Wiper Palatability - by LockedandLoaded - 04-12-2016, 04:20 PM
Re: [HambonesF2] Wiper Palatability - by PBH - 04-12-2016, 08:40 PM
Re: [PBH] Wiper Palatability - by Paddler - 04-13-2016, 04:41 AM
Re: [HD7000] Wiper Palatability - by HD7000 - 04-12-2016, 08:37 PM
Re: [HD7000] Wiper Palatability - by jjannie - 04-13-2016, 01:47 AM
Re: [TubeDude] Wiper Palatability - by smokepoles - 04-13-2016, 02:42 PM
Re: [smokepoles] Wiper Palatability - by TubeDude - 04-13-2016, 03:17 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Wiper Palatability - by packfish - 04-13-2016, 08:58 PM
Re: [packfish] Wiper Palatability - by TubeDude - 04-13-2016, 09:48 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Wiper Palatability - by Sutfolut - 04-13-2016, 10:50 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Wiper Palatability - by karl_l - 04-15-2016, 06:01 PM
Re: [karl_l] Wiper Palatability - by TubeDude - 04-15-2016, 07:33 PM

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