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Little Dell fish species
[quote foothill_fisher]

I've fished little dell a number of times in the past year but I never remember catching anything other than cutthroat. Some have very green backs but don't resemble a rainbow. Have you ever hooked any brook trout up there?


These are definitely rainbows. They have the bright, white tips on the pelvic and anal fins... real screamers too... take off running as soon as they're hooked. Look like the fish right out of a Brian Chan video. [Wink]

I agree though, the Bonneville Cutts vary greatly in color and pattern.

Never caught or seen any brookies personally (been fishing there since 2011). I fish it a lot in the fall too hoping to hit some near the inlet stream... so far... nada.

Messages In This Thread
Little Dell fish species - by Uintas_or_Bust - 05-27-2015, 04:28 AM
Re: [foothill_fisher] Little Dell fish species - by Joe_Dizzy - 04-25-2016, 12:55 AM

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