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looking for new catfish waters
[#0000FF]That channel can hold any of Willard's species. But unless they are dumping water out of the overflow there is little chance of finding more than carp. There can be cats, walleyes or wipers. But if you don't get any love quickly you will be better off going back over the dike and fishing the main lake.

That channel was full of flushed out wipers and walleyes in the late fall several years ago when they dumped water out of the lake for dike repairs. There were happy harvesters snagging truck fulls of wipers and walleyes.

Messages In This Thread
looking for new catfish waters - by Ahi1953 - 06-07-2016, 04:15 PM
Re: [Ahi1953] looking for new catfish waters - by TubeDude - 06-07-2016, 05:52 PM

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