06-11-2016, 11:04 AM
Haz, water levels at WB are higher than they have been in 3 years or more. You shouldn't have any trouble at all with an 18.5 ft. Bayliner. Recommend keep your motor trimmed up while on the ramps, but once you get off your trailer a few yards you have plenty of depth. South marina has one ramp blocked up by the heavy equipment they are setting up to build a rock structure out off the south wall somewhere. but the other 2 ramps are good. Marina depth is 6 to 12 ft. channel is 15 to 18 ft. and even the outlet "hump" is 10 ft. +
Depth over the island is 10 to 13 ft. and it isn't buoyed. Everywhere else is 10 to 25 ft. or more depending how close you get to the walls.
I'm heading up that way this morning. My Tin-Can, throw a wave if you see me.
[inline "(04) 20 Mar 16 Launch @907 AM.jpg"]
Depth over the island is 10 to 13 ft. and it isn't buoyed. Everywhere else is 10 to 25 ft. or more depending how close you get to the walls.
I'm heading up that way this morning. My Tin-Can, throw a wave if you see me.
[inline "(04) 20 Mar 16 Launch @907 AM.jpg"]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
Or so it says on my license plate holder