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How to convert a single-piece Ugly Stik to a two-piece Ugly Stik
Thanks for the invite and great trip. I've never fished for anything quite like sturgeon and this trip was truly memorable. You and Kory instructed me well.

I took way fewer than I should have, but here are a couple of pics. The first pic was of the first one Kory caught the first day, which was amazing in the moment but was dwarfed by many fish later on. The next were of Kent impressing us by catching a fish on his ice fishing rod, the next 2 were of my battle with the biggun, and the last was one I took the next day of a "mere" 6 1/2 footer with an especially plump midsection at the moment she was turned back. Great memories!

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Re: [kentofnsl] How to convert a single-piece Ugly Stik to a two-piece Ugly Stick - by doggonefishin - 06-11-2016, 11:14 PM

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