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herefishy, chick, Largemouth, 06/07/16
I got out for few hours last night. From about 545 to 845. I put in at harrison bay and focused on shady lay downs with deep water close by. I've owned a boat for about a month now and this was the most productive 3 hours I've had on the water. I caught 10 fish most of them on a jig and few on Texas rigged worm. One of them was a pretty good one being 22 inches long and fat. I don't know how to post pics. I put my best 3 around 11 or 12 pounds and best 5 probably 15. It was the first time I've used the Harrison Bay ramp and it doesn't seem like it's steep enough, But then again i'm still learning.

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herefishy, chick, Largemouth, 06/07/16 - by FishNews - 06-12-2016, 09:00 AM

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