03-18-2002, 09:14 PM
well I just took my first fishing trip of the season. Incredible is all I can say. In four hours we took over 500 lbs of fish. Yes, thats not a misprint. 500 lbs. We nailed the walleyes and paddlefish. We let all our fish go but we got some dandy photos of some paddlefish. Largest went 60 pound and the smallest went 25. All in all we nailed 12 paddlefish and almost 100 walleye. Incredible. The fish were stacked on top of each other on the bottom for a depth of about 3 feet. Most of the time our bait and lures never made it to the bottom before a feisty walleye snatched it. I hope the rest of the year is as exciting.<br><br>keep those lines wet <br><br>Daniel C. Nielsen<br>http://www.nebraskafishing.com/index.html