06-18-2016, 05:09 AM
I'm a lurker. BFT shows up on a Google search when I research new waters. I researched Kokanee fishing forums a few years ago to learn how to catch kokes. It looks like BFT shares members with the kokanee forum. It just seems like this place gets way more traffic.
I couldn't oar 1.5 for 7 hours esspecialy when the wind kicks up around 11 every day. I usually go .5 into the wind and 1 with the wind. That's my pace to endure a long day. If I could limit in a few hours, 1.5 would be fine, though my arms and upper back would be mighty soar the next day. I have been through several inflatable toons. Wipers and cats loved to put holes in them making oaring a half inflated toon back to shore a real chore. I switched to a hard plastic toon made by hobie, and I love it. I don't deflate when I'm a mile from shore, it has less drag so I can go faster longer, and the spiny fish cant exact their revenge on me. I like to oar because I need something that keeps me in shape, let's me have fun, and put some of the best tasting fish on the planet on my table.
I have read that some folks will bait with corn in other states. What would you recommend for the Pig?
Do we have any solid evidence the fish are lower in number? Last year had some bigger fish for sure and lots of smaller ones to fill the limit, but the fish I see this year are not much different. They're just really hard to catch. If in fact they are low in numbers and going to be this difficult for the rest of the summer, I might have to plan longer trips to other waters. Doesn't Devils Creek reservoir next to malad have kokes? Did the canal companies shut those lakes down too? Thanks
I couldn't oar 1.5 for 7 hours esspecialy when the wind kicks up around 11 every day. I usually go .5 into the wind and 1 with the wind. That's my pace to endure a long day. If I could limit in a few hours, 1.5 would be fine, though my arms and upper back would be mighty soar the next day. I have been through several inflatable toons. Wipers and cats loved to put holes in them making oaring a half inflated toon back to shore a real chore. I switched to a hard plastic toon made by hobie, and I love it. I don't deflate when I'm a mile from shore, it has less drag so I can go faster longer, and the spiny fish cant exact their revenge on me. I like to oar because I need something that keeps me in shape, let's me have fun, and put some of the best tasting fish on the planet on my table.
I have read that some folks will bait with corn in other states. What would you recommend for the Pig?
Do we have any solid evidence the fish are lower in number? Last year had some bigger fish for sure and lots of smaller ones to fill the limit, but the fish I see this year are not much different. They're just really hard to catch. If in fact they are low in numbers and going to be this difficult for the rest of the summer, I might have to plan longer trips to other waters. Doesn't Devils Creek reservoir next to malad have kokes? Did the canal companies shut those lakes down too? Thanks