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Open Meeting - Algae Problem 7-27-16
The problem cannot be solved just by emptying the upstream reservoirs to flush Utah Lake. We do not have the ability to stave off the coming disaster because the damage is done. If we had the equipment, we might be able to go out and skim the algae off the surface, but that would only remove the surface gunk. So much more is suspended in the water column and that we do not have the ability to impact. So, the algae will continue to use all the nutrients in the water, most likely a good thing, but eventually it will die and consume the oxygen, resulting in a massive fish kill, not only fish but other macro invertebrates that are there. People have always advocated treating Utah Lake to remove the carp, well you are going to see a natural treatment of the lake and it will remove carp, wb, lmb, smb, catfish, bullheads, northern pike, walleye, mayflies, damselflies, midges, redside shiners, pond smelt, fathead minnows, etc, etc, etc. Sure some will find a spring or source of fresh water, but everything will be affected and it will not be pretty !!

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Re: [TubeDude] Open Meeting - Algae Problem 7-27-16 - by Therapist - 07-25-2016, 08:25 PM

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