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Starvy Slam...Barely 8-17-16
"What do you see for this winter?"

[#0000FF]Snow and ice...maybe. Starvation has been known to freeze solid in December and stay frozen until February. It has also been known for not freezing over enough for ice fishing.

Fishing wise? Both perch and walleye numbers are still down...but improving. Not as many as in year's past but more than two years ago. And there are more perch over 8 inches...and they are feeding on this year's perch hatchlings. Some we caught today are barfing up the babies. So...maybe fewer perch but more bigger perch. Always good for rainbows.

As always...both for late fall and winter is a matter of finding the fish concentrations and then figuring out the best approaches. With the increasing number of folks who target Starvy in the winter the mysteries are fewer than they used to be.

Messages In This Thread
Starvy Slam...Barely 8-17-16 - by TubeDude - 08-17-2016, 11:54 PM
Re: [doitall5000] Starvy Slam...Barely 8-17-16 - by TubeDude - 08-18-2016, 02:26 AM

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