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Thanks for the Strawberry help!
Just wanted to say a quick thanks to all the members who responded on my Crawfish Help thread and those who sent PMs. We finally got up to Strawberry. Didn't get started until about 9:30AM. We had a little trouble getting the kids out the door and then that late start was compounded by some road construction on the way there. We still found crawfish willing to bite chicken legs and crawl into baited traps. I think we ended up with 8-9 pounds of crawfish which was plenty for us. You add in potatoes, onions, sausage, corn, mushrooms, etc. to fill up those who ain't big on the bugs. Boiled em, ate em, and everyone had a good time. Some quotes from the trip:

Son #1: Wow this is a lot easier than other fishing trips.

Son #2: Dad this is the best fishing trip I have had with you ever.

Son #3: Are these going to pinch me?

All kids: When are we doing this again?

Thanks y'all!

Messages In This Thread
Thanks for the Strawberry help! - by wagdog - 08-18-2016, 05:04 PM

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