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Wind rivers
[#0000ff]There could be arguments either way on the species thing. Goldens can be different colors in different different sizes...and at different times of the year (spawning). The same can be said of cutts. Young cutts with parr markings can look a lot like young goldens...and vice versa.

Without being able to place the real fish in front of a knowledgeable biologist...familiar with the waters from which the fish is tough to render a positive ID. I suppose the key would be to check the Wyoming fish and game list of species present in the lake from which you caught the fish. There are a few in which both species are present. But most contain one or the other...with or without brookies.

My guess would be cutt. Virtually all goldens have white edges on their lower fins. Cutts usually have all orangish fins.

Here is a picture of a typical young golden...from a stream or while still small in a lake.
[inline Golden.trout.jpg]

Here is a picture of an adult spawn colors.
[inline "GOLDEN ADULT.jpg"]

Messages In This Thread
Wind rivers - by icefishingman - 08-18-2016, 03:23 PM
Re: [icefishingman] Wind rivers - by DjHill16 - 08-18-2016, 03:42 PM
Re: [DjHill16] Wind rivers - by brookieguy1 - 08-19-2016, 03:06 AM
Re: [icefishingman] Wind rivers - by albinotrout - 08-19-2016, 05:51 AM
Re: [icefishingman] Wind rivers - by Buzzman55 - 08-19-2016, 04:03 PM
Re: [icefishingman] Wind rivers - by TubeDude - 08-19-2016, 04:29 PM
Re: [icefishingman] Wind rivers - by pookiebar - 08-22-2016, 12:21 PM
Re: [icefishingman] Wind rivers - by fallsfish - 08-22-2016, 12:59 PM
Re: [icefishingman] Wind rivers - by SkunkedAgain - 08-22-2016, 10:32 PM

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