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Muskies Inc. Chapter 65
Chapter 65 Mountain West Muskie members hit Pineview Saturday most not early for fishing but picking up trash at the Poison Hollow Trailhead and the beach areas. We hauled out another 112 pounds of trash. Thus far this Chapter and its awesome members have hauled out 282 pounds of human trash. Our way of giving back.

A couple members hit PV early to do some casting and used the net to haul out trash they found and a long lost rod/reel combo an angler lost.

We had a raffle for the volunteers with ding-ding-ding we have winners with lucky tickets.

All in all yet again another great way for our Chapter to give back making a difference is what our members are about.

If anyone is interested in this Chapter just shoot me a PM. We may be a small group but we will make a positive impact in the community and for the state of Utah.

Thanks to all the members who gave up a few hours on Saturday...

Tight Lines and go out and have fun!

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Muskies Inc. Chapter 65 - by k2muskie - 08-29-2016, 02:11 AM

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