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More Good Action Off Miami - March 19, 2002
Picking up from where we left off yesterday, blue water, strong north current, and good fishing continued. Catching herring required some time in the clear water we had. Our first baits were in the water at 11:30 am and before I could get the second flatline baited, the rigger clip popped and we caught a 15# kingfish. With all the baits out, it took about 25 minutes and we caught and released a sailfish. Sliding in to look for another king resulted in a barracuda catch and release. The kings keep biting in the 80-100 foot range while we concentrated on finding another sail or possibly a dolphin in the 120-150 foot range. I heard of a few sails looking and not biting and in general, the late afternoon fishing slowed down. Tomorrow night, I'll be tarpon fishing and hope that their feeding habits have changed. I'll keep you posted.<br><br>Captain Dave Kostyo<br>Knot Nancy Fishing Charters<br>305 620-5896 Charter<br>305 732-2628 Beeper<br><br><br><br>

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More Good Action Off Miami - March 19, 2002 - by KnotNancy - 03-20-2002, 03:32 AM

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