01-29-2004, 09:01 PM
oh i see, but why were they wiped out?? weather conditions, or what?? we got so many now, they,re eatin what the deer ought ot be gittin. there alot more thrivin wise than what the state thinks i,ll tell ya. and they aint even scat ot go on peoples lawns, trees apples anyways to eat right in front of their doors. haha them sucker. buit when huntin season gits here, they sure aint around haha the other day jack and i went ot claremont and it was gonna storm, ya could see it comin, well i looked down in the field and out there there must of been 50 of em all out eatin. wow! and with this crust we got, and not much snow, there diggin down pretty good to git what they need to eat. allllll big birds!!!!!!! come up here and git some will ya! haha now see thats the way it is with my deer. they had a doe permits 5 years in a row good many moons agao but the herds with the weather conditions back and forth the feed the area, and what s in it they haven,t come back good. and that aint talkin the ----- that poach. too bad. what deer there are their good size and the little ones each year but still, not many in an area any more. then ya ogt a lot of areas to hunt. mountains everywhere.lotta room fer em to outrun me i,ll tell ya. ahha but we alays have a good time anyways, that,s all that matters. and then the coyotes are doin a number too. ya know. seems everythins against em. too bad. they should be doin ok this winter. not much snow, anysays .now if we can make it thru with out any, haha said were suppose to see old ground hog thois comin week. ahha he dont want ot stick his head out too fer, i,ll have him fer supper, ahha daves got a good recipe on here i want to try. hahahahaha later