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No turkeys for me -- except maybe Thanksgiving
well i live here in vermont/. be quite a ways fer ya wont it?? i still wish ya would haha. had some guys from mass come up thru and go up to the prison farm to hunt, big area, and they camped in one of them rv things, they were cookin a turkey in one of those new fangled turkey cookers. ya seen them. their cool . right out doors they were cookin him. ahha it was terrible last year an they let me come in their rv fer a half hour till jack come out thru the woods. at dark. we got bullin. hey do ya shoot with the shot gun or the bow and arrow?? durin your season?? come on up.[Smile][Wink]

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Re: [cat_man] No turkeys for me -- except maybe Thanksgiving - by patches - 01-29-2004, 09:56 PM

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