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Outboard Issue.. Please Help
Its been a while since I had a motor that I could not tilt with the push of a tilt button but I should have mentioned that as well. In case you did not know this, the more you can get the front end of your boat out of the water the faster the boat will go, so tilting you motor back more gives you that extra lift of the front of your boat. That was why it ran better when you did not have the extra weight of your casting deck. The lower the number of the pitch of your prop the more thrust you will get from your motor, so it will wind out better but that does not mean you will get a higher speed but you should get up on plan quicker. At the higher elevation lakes, the 9x9 prop will help you get on plan quicker but you may never get the higher speed that you get at lower elevation lakes. There are other factors that come into play, like the jets in the carb but just like the difference you saw when using the 9x10 versus the 9x11 there will a similar result when you go to the 9x9 prop but you should see an increase in motor RPM.

Messages In This Thread
Outboard Issue.. Please Help - by 14gills - 09-13-2016, 09:16 PM
Re: [14gills] Outboard Issue.. Please Help - by wiperhunter2 - 09-16-2016, 04:02 PM

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