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No turkeys for me -- except maybe Thanksgiving
well that,s cool, here we have archery season in the spring and shotgun the fall. i like doin my new shot gun jack got fer me. are you in open and gonna shoot from the edges of the woods-field?? if ya do then yessa you need a good ol shotgun that will put out!! yessa! ahha i hunt in the woods or at the edge ofthe field. depends of the time of day. we cant shoot at high noon! aha we can go till 11 andthen in the after noon till dark. and ive had them suckers go right by me not even know i,m there a few yards out. course by then its deer huntin. haha and i cant shoot em anyways. ahha theuy tick me off. spend all htat money fer a stamp and they leave the territory. haha my arms wont allow me or my body to use a bow anymore so i just do the shotgun,. thats fine, i never really got into bow anyways. you,ll like it though when ya do. i member one year hearin this racket over the knoll, though it was a coyote attackin somethin, well i went over and watched, haha 2 males were jumpin straight up in the air and usin their gfeet to hit each other in the chest. fightin over the females and the sounds they were makin were atrocious! haah so funny!! the things ya see sometimes. haah females said i,m out of here anyways those idiots, ahha later[Smile][Wink]

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Re: [cat_man] No turkeys for me -- except maybe Thanksgiving - by patches - 01-29-2004, 10:52 PM

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