10-16-2016, 09:42 PM
Yesterday was supposed to be a great day out fishing with my wife, two sons, friend and my dad on his new (to him) boat. I have a spot I really like to fish near Rennegade that always treats me well this time of year. We got launched and went to the spot not far from the boat ramp and began fishing. The wind was pretty stiff and even with two anchors we would slow drift off our spot and we would motor back near shore and fish again. We caught lots of fish when we first started fishing but then the boat would not start. The wind picked up and blew us further and further from shore, towards the narrows NE from the boat ramp. Soon we were in too deep of water for the length of anchor rope we had and the waves were about 3' high. Shortly after the situation appeared to be getting problematic we began to get the attention of passing boats by waving the orange flags we had as well as anything else. We finally got a good enough cell signal to call the Marina and they came and picked up my wife and kids( with a nominal charge added) and took them to the boat ramp where they were able to convince someone else to come tow us in so we did not end up another story on KSL. We had oars but they did little in that wind. I was a nervous wreck due to the fact my two young sons were on that boat along with my friends young daughter and I am grateful that our prayers were answered and we got a call out to the marina and they got the kids and wife to shore. Here is where I have lost faith in humanity. I KNOW boats saw us trying to get attention and that became clear when after we got to shore and were loaded up and getting things put away in the parking lot, I was walking out of the restroom when a boat had just come up the ramp that had a few teenage kids and a couple adults. One of the teens, not knowing I was with the group that was getting things put away asked her dad" Is that the boat we saw waving the flags?" It took a lot for me not to go give them an ear full, but I figured whats the point. I was safe as were my party and it would not have changed anything. A few months back while scouting for a hunt I came upon a crashed ATV with two kids in their late teens covered in blood. I was in a SxS and offered them a ride to their camp. While driving they told us that they had been passed by at least 10 other people and nobody stopped to offer assistance. These were good kids that wrecked because a dog from a camp next to the road had run out it front of them and they swerved to miss killing the small dog. That day I thought, What is wrong with people, and then this happened to me yesterday. I am only 33 and often think "what is wrong with the younger generation?" Yesterday I got my answer: the generation my age and a bit older has become so self-absorbed that they do not teach their kids anything other than to be selfish. I know I am preaching to the choir because the BFT community as a whole seems to be full of good people who I know offer assistance because I have read the posts. I just needed to vent my frustration with the situation yesterday and hopefully that never happens again.
We did happen to have 6 fish on at one time before the fiasco.
We did happen to have 6 fish on at one time before the fiasco.