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Hyrum by way of Bear Lake.

I was at bear lake yesterday myself, I was in a Blue and White Starcraft with the top up. I was alone this time as the guy that was going to go with me couldn't go.
I launched at the marina around 830am or so, my intentions were to fish for some whitefish and then go to the rockpile for some mack jigging. Well first off I left all of my Whitefish tackle at home as well as my heavy boots . But I did remember all of my other tackle for the macks and trolling. ( Early Morning case of CRS ), anyway I decided to go to the rockpile and try my luck with the Macks or Cutthroat. There were 3 or 4 boats already there , so i joined in. Not much action happening I heard some cheering from one of the boats and shortly after that I caught my only fish of the day. About a 4lb Cutthroat. after that the water started to get very choppy and I couldn't control the boat any longer. I got back to the marina around 3ish , and saw 2 boats at the mouth of the marina still trying for Whitefish. maybe I'll check out next weekend for another trip.

Messages In This Thread
Hyrum by way of Bear Lake. - by SkunkedAgain - 12-04-2016, 05:45 AM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Hyrum by way of Bear Lake. - by AFDan52 - 12-04-2016, 04:50 PM

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