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pike at redmond.
OK guys,
For those of whom were scared off by the tiny little storm and didn't make it to Redmond you missed out! It was a lot of fun meeting Southernman and Dave(can't remember screen name-sorry), Walleyebob and buddies,Fish4fish and Christy, Ocean and Ocean Jr, Pikeman and family and if I missed anyone I apologize.
It was a lot of fun for my first pike and right after Tony and Dave left!! We were pulling the lines in to go and I just wanted to go slow to see if maybe they might follow it and sure enough one did! See pics for my funky expressions
Both Dave and Tony caught one each and Dave's was bigger but I still think Tony is a wus for not holding his. Ha ha.
Walleyebob's budddies hooked into a nice largemouth and a big pike that got off at the shores edge but had fun anyway. Quite a few hits were missed due to quite a bit of socializing but that's to be expected when meeting new friends for the first time.
oh no we were trying to upload all the pics of everyone and all the fish and we didsomething after doing mine and lost all rest from the camera. hope the ones in the 35mm ture out. sorry guys

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pike at redmond. - by nomoose - 02-01-2004, 03:12 AM

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