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17” rainbow trout while ice fishing
(01-24-2022, 03:49 AM)Jnicholes Wrote: Hi everyone,

I have not been on in a while. I FINALLY moved to a permanent place in Dietrich, Idaho. I have been scouting for new fishing spots as a result. Last summer, I found a spot at a place called Dog Creek Reservoir. Lots of good fishing there. Today, I went ice fishing at the spot and limited out. 5 fish caught on a rod, one on a tip up. The fifth trout I caught was actually 17 inches long, 1 lbs. 12 oz. approximately.

And this wasn’t like any farmed trout. The flesh was pink when I cooked it. Had the consistency of salmon. I’ve only caught a fish like that two times before. It got me excited. Good quality meat!

Anyway, I am attaching pictures.

[Image: E5781567-6-D4-E-4-EBA-BB19-4-B69-C70-A97-DB.jpg]

[Image: C07-CB89-C-0125-4-CE3-A2-B0-EE44-B593000-B.jpg]

[Image: 6227-A8-CC-26-F9-4-A27-B2-F7-846-BA5-F746-AA.jpg]

That’s good quality meat right there!

Anyway, I just felt like sharing this. It was a good fishing day.


Trout, hatched in and grown in the wild don't have round tails. That happens from rubbing the walls of a cement enclosure in a hatchery. 
That said, within a few months of being in the wild the meat begins to improve! Great report and fish!

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RE: 17” rainbow trout while ice fishing - by MMDon - 01-24-2022, 06:41 AM

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