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Willard South late report for Monday and Tuesday nights
(04-22-2022, 03:07 AM)Lipnrip Wrote: Monday was a gorgeous evening and I was craving some walleye so decided to load up the family and head to Willard. Upon arrival noticed the canal was flowing into the inlet fast enough to create a current. Decided to fish at the inlet before people loaded up the spot. Had several fish that got off and finally landed a sucker. My wife on the other hand landed 2 walleye using the same rigs and colors as myself for an amazing dinner. Tuesday I braved the weather and was pleasantly surprised the wind was not blowing and was not raining. Caught a huge carp in the mouth with a jig and 4 inch swimbait. A few minutes later I saw the most surprising thing in a long time. The person fishing next to me landed a 36+ inch tiger musky. Did not know those things were in there but imagine it made it down the stream from Pineview. The person caught it on a 3 inch curl tail. The bite was slow for me missed a few again. My wife credits me as her guide which I am thankful for.

Kudos to your wife on some nice eyes, I'm kind of surprised the eyes are still in the channel there, seems like most of them are done spawning now but there much be a few that are late to get to the party, which was great for you two. Pretty cool that that guy caught that tiger there, every few years we read about someone catching a muskey at Willard but it does not happen very often. Did he release it?

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RE: Willard South late report for Monday and Tuesday nights - by wiperhunter2 - 04-22-2022, 01:01 PM

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