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DWR - taking care of business at Strawberry
A quote from an email that I got yesterday from Alan Ward,

"After I emailed you yesterday, I spoke on the phone with the officer in charge and he mentioned that they only confiscated 24 fish all day (it is typically double that), and some of those were overlimits of rainbows. We both discussed the idea that fishing is good right now, and the people prone to violating the rules (such as the slot), did not need to because they had plenty of non-slot fish (kokanee and rainbows) to harvest. Overall resource compliance was nearly 99%, and it is usually around 97% for these roadblocks. My guess is that you either had a newer officer that you were talking to, or they were caught up in the moment, and really had no time to reflect on how many violations had been written up, nor did they have all the data yet to put it in perspective.

I always caution my employees to not jump to conclusions before all the data is in hand. We often tend to focus on the worst aspects, ignoring the good stuff. Once you have all the data, then make a table or graph to summarize it, and you get a better picture of reality."

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RE: DWR - taking care of business at Strawberry - by kentofnsl - 07-06-2022, 01:43 PM

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