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Planer Mast Set-ups and double planer boards
My Brother ended up building his own - he is the welder-fitter and used his metal skills to put together a base/pole/pulley/brake system. He did endup buying the line that runs the boards - I think he was in the $60-$80 range for the mast when he completed it. The hardest part was the wingnut brakes, right sized pullies, and retreive handles. Of course the large sidepalanner boards run about that each.

I could get you some parts information and let you know if it something that would be interested in... Let me know - it did take him a few tries to get the configuration correct.

Good luck and I hope there will be enough water to run your boards this summer.....

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Re: [BearLakeMack] Planer Mast Set-ups and double planer boards - by Lundman - 05-28-2004, 10:11 PM

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