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Rockport Report
Finally made it fishing for the first time this year. I got up to Rockport around 8:00 AM and started at the dam. There were only a couple of other people fishing in that area and everyone seemed to be doing ok with an occasional catch.

I ended up getting 3 pearch in the two hours that I was there. I cought more snags than fish though. Just tiped a worm on a small hook and a water filled bubble and slowly pulled it in to the shore.

This is accually the first time that I've kept any pearch that I'v caught. many years ago when I was fishing with my dad and we'd hook a pearch, he would say it was a trash fish and throw them back. I am looking forward to trying pearch meat for the first time. although I understand that this will be more like a snack than a meal with only getting three.

Now here's a question. I remember way back once upon a time that someone was giving instructions on how to filet pearch but I can't find it in my notes. Can anyone give me some pointers on this. Or do you filet them the same way you would a trout?

Messages In This Thread
Rockport Report - by snagd - 06-07-2004, 02:11 PM
Re: [snagd] Rockport Report - by fish_fear_me2 - 06-07-2004, 02:42 PM
Re: [fish_fear_me2] Rockport Report - by snagd - 06-07-2004, 06:21 PM
Re: [snagd] Rockport Report - by acey - 06-08-2004, 02:55 AM

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