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For Raypaw
Hey Grandad! Just kidding, I'm not your grandson, but I am a veteran, and being a much younger veteran I thought you'd like the greeting.<br>Here's my question(s) mentioned orange globes for your Coleman lantern. I didn't see them at WalMart, and living in Southern Illinois that's about the only place I can find anything for the lanterns. Do you know where I can get one? <br>2nd - You grew up in Rockford...I grew up in Detroit, well actually everywhere else too(Air Force brat - then I went Regular Army) But my Mom & Dad are from Carrollton, IL and Jerseyville, IL - both about 20 miles apart and small towns. My Dad taught me to fish, and we compete with each other no matter what species we fish for. It's always funny how, when one wins, the other is berated with sneers and jeers...but that's the whole fun of it. That's how we make it fun for ourselves. We've been doing that for years, since I was a small child. Hey! Dad started it!<br>3rd - What's this tip about softener sheets in your shirt pockets for skeeters? Does that really work? I have to tell you, Pop, that mosquitos want my soul, I think. They come after me like stink on poop. They want my butt so bad that I usually end up on the other side of the lake or river I'm fishing because they picked me up to take me to their Queen for "dinner". I've tried everything, and most work, but I don't want to smell like I work at DOW Chemical, you know what I mean? Plus, from experience, I found if you dowse your body with OFF or other deet products and touch the bait the fish won't bite; I don't blame them...when I was a kid and picked my nose I learned a valuable lesson. But softener sheets? What brand, if not any? And what if your clothes were dried using the stuff in the first place? Wouldn't that have an effect? <br>Just a few questions for the wisened ol' Gran'Pa.<br>Thanks for any other advise you give to people, and ignore the ignorant.<br><br><br>&lt;--^----&lt; The big one got away...with my pole, boat, and wife!<br>

Messages In This Thread
For Raypaw - by cryinbrian - 07-09-2002, 11:54 PM
Re: For Raypaw - by Raypaw - 07-10-2002, 09:04 AM
Re: For Raypaw - by davetclown - 07-12-2002, 07:18 PM

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