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#1 Bonneville Cutthroat
#2 Walleye Because they look cool and fishing for them is a mind game, as well as being able to read water and structure you also need to be lucky. They are the baddest fish that swims and they are good eats too.
#3 Carp are at the top of my list if they didnt grow so fast they may help some fisheries but all they do is take up space and make you mad when you find them on your sonar and dont realize it for an hour.
#4 The Gorge is tops because when you get tired of tossing jigs for Smallies you can catch your breath and eat lunch while you troll up some Kokes and if that isnt producing you can try to jig up a Laker or two that you spotted while Koke fishing and when nap time rolls around you can rig up a crawler on a slip bobber for Bows & Browns then go back to Jiggin Smallies. All the species to Fish for makes the gorge tops and even if you dedicated your life to it you could never learn it all.
#5 Jigging is my favorite because it is effective for so many species. You can swim them, Jig them, Let them fall there is almost as many ways to fish a jig as there are kinds of jigs. You get to feel the fish weather it stops it slurps it or slams it.
#6 I would make it illegal to Ski with in 100 yards of shore on any body of water. I get sick and tired of catching boats when im long lining Tiger Muskies at Pineview and planer boards must have some kind of magnetic draw on skiers also waverunners love to pick up markers and i would make that illegal too.
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[size 1][#0000ff]DA QUIZ:
1. What is the Utah state fish?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]2. What is your favorite fish...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]3. What is your LEAST favorite fish...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]4. What is your favorite fishing hole...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]5. What is your favorite KIND of fishing...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff](fly fishing, ice fishing, drop shot, trolling, jigging, etc.)[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]6. What changes would you make in the Utah regulations, if you could, and why?[/#0000ff] [/size]
1. Bonneville Cutthroat Trout
2. Brooke Trout-honestly, there is nothing better than reeling in a bright male with all its color in the fall, and they taste great!
3. I love catching fish period, but my least favorite would probably be the planted rainbows. They are everywhere and not a challenge to catch.
4. I have several lakes I love, but my all time favorite would be Long Willow Bottom Res. in the North Creek drainage on the Boulder Mtn. It is quite a hike but the fishing is always great, the views from the trail are unmatched, and the scenery is spectacular any time of the year.
5. Flyfishing has to be my favorite. I am just starting to learn, but it seems like it takes more thought and planning to get the perfect presentation. I real challenge for me and my two second attention span.
6. I would not change any regulations as I am not qualified to make those decisions.
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1. What is the Utah state fish?
Sadly the Bonneville Cutthroat.
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]2. What is your favorite fish...and why?[/size][/font]
Their so entertaining while in shallow water when I’m overly bored while fishing for another species, and rocks are handy. They make great cut bait, and come in all shapes, sizes, and sub species like the mighty Big Brown, The Bugle Lipped, The Scum Suckin’. These of course are all mere a sub species of our fabulous and beloved "Its a SCUM SUCKIN', PIECE OF CRAP, CARP!!".
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]3. What is your LEAST favorite fish...and why?[/size][/font]
Because their often far too entertaining while in shallow water and I’m overly bored fishing for other species and large rocks are handy. And they come in many shapes, sizes, and species including the mighty Brown, The Bugle Lipped, and the, Scum Suckin’. Which of course are mere a sub species of our fabulous and beloved "Its a SCUM SUCKIN', PIECE OF CRAP, CARP!!".
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]4. What is your favorite fishing hole...and why? [/font][/size]
Any body of water containing Carp!!
That body of water is very entertaining while “CRAP!!" are in the shallows and I have an ample supply of my special Carp bait at arms reach. And of course because "CARP!!" make great targets because they come in all shapes, sizes, and species, including the mighty Brown, The Bugle Lipped as well as the Scum Suckin’. But all mere sub species of our fabulous and beloved "Its a SCUM SUCKIN', PIECE OF CRAP, CARP!!".
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]5. What is your favorite KIND of fishing...and why?[/size][/font]
Carp fishing of any type that includes the use of large rocks and/or pitchforks as bait.
Because Carp fishing is so entertaining when their special bait is at arms reach. And Carp are often easy to catch, even for an old arm. And of course Carp come in all shapes, sizes and species, including the mighty Brown, the Bugle Lipped, and the Scum Suckin’ Carp, which are all a sub species of our fabulous and beloved, "Its a SCUM SUCKIN', PIECE OF CRAP, CARP!!".
[font "Times New Roman"]6. What changes would you make in the Utah regulations, if you could, and why? [/font]
I’d place a daily limit on our wonderful "Its a SCUM SUCKIN', PIECE OF CRAP, CARP!!" of say 1000 as well as give it the title it deserves, our state fish.
Why? Simply because, Carp are so entertaining and come in all shapes, sizes and species including the mighty Brown, the Bugle Lipped and the Scum Suckin’. Which of course are all mere a sub species of our fabulous, and beloved,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[black] The As to Your Qs:
[black] 1. What is the Utah state fish? The polygafish, recognized by two defining characteristics: a) its tendency to swim in overcrowded schools and b) its fondness for multiple "spawning partners," if you catch my drift.
2. What is your favorite fish...and why? Any fish who is gullible enough to be fooled by my humble offering and grant me the pleasure of a fiesty tussle on the end of my line. I especially like those fish who have succumbed to America's latest health trend and are morbidly obese and far "heavier" than they, in good conscience, should be. [/black][black]
3. What is your LEAST favorite fish...and why? The Lake Powell stripper. The last one I landed nearly caused me a bitter divorce, after the subsequent pictures of my "catch" were seen by my jealous wife.
4. What is your favorite fishing hole...and why? The UDWR Springville Fish Hatchery, though I'm not sure if it can be termed "a hole." It's more of my favorite fishing "very long and narrow rectangle." Once an angler gets past the high fences and razor wire, it's always a treat--with its abundant and willing fish and its comparitive solitude. In fact, I've never seen another person there besides yours truly, that is until the spotlights turn on, and the squad cars show up, and the officers start shouting with their guns drawn. Then it gets kinda crowded.
5. What is your favorite KIND of fishing...and why? The kind of fishing when I'm actually out either floating in or standing next to some lovely body of water, with an actual fishing rod in my hand. I've grown rather tired of the kind of fishing I've done a lot of lately, which is sitting at my desk and DREAMING of being on or near some lovely body of water with an IMAGINARY fishing rod in my hand. It's during these times that my boss is often found screaming in my ear at the top of his lungs, "Get back to work!" That second type of fishing actually makes me kind of  .
6. What changes would you make in the Utah regulations, if you could, and why? I would make the UDWR build and maintain a trophy fishery in my backyard, with cascading waterfalls, lush vegetation, flowing inlets and outlets, and demand that they stock and replentish it frequently with tropy fish of all species. I actually proposed this at the last Central RAC meeting, but I was forcefully manhandled from the congregation after reading only 10 minutes of my hour-long presentation. They must've been running short on time.[/black]
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[size 1][#0000ff]DA QUIZ:
1. What is the Utah state fish?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]2. What is your favorite fish...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]3. What is your LEAST favorite fish...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]4. What is your favorite fishing hole...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]5. What is your favorite KIND of fishing...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff](fly fishing, ice fishing, drop shot, trolling, jigging, etc.)[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]6. What changes would you make in the Utah regulations, if you could, and why?[/#0000ff][/size]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[black][size 1]1. Boniville Cutthroat[/size][/black]
[size 1]2. Walleye for the dinnertable, tiger trout for the fiestiness of them[/size]
[size 1]3. Walleye for the fight they present, Chubs for their pestyness[/size]
[size 1]4. Lately my favorite fishing hole has been piute for big fish, and small creeks for fun fishing.[/size]
[size 1]5. Creek fishing, it is a form of fishing that my dad taught me, i enjoy it and have a ball becasue of him.[/size]
[size 1]6. Not nescessarly a reg change, but i would like to see more diversity in the species presented, there needs to be more opportunity to catch warm water species state wide, not just in certan locals[/size]
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[size 1][#0000ff]DA QUIZ:
1. What is the Utah state fish?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]2. What is your favorite fish...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]3. What is your LEAST favorite fish...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]4. What is your favorite fishing hole...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]5. What is your favorite KIND of fishing...and why?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff](fly fishing, ice fishing, drop shot, trolling, jigging, etc.)[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]6. What changes would you make in the Utah regulations, if you could, and why?[/#0000ff] [/size]
It's been a while since I have posted here, but I will give this a shot.
1. My first thought was the Sea Gull. As much fun as they would be to real out of the sky. Next thought was the June Sucker with all the attention it receives. For real though, it is the Bonneville Cutt...
2. I really don't have a favorite. I love catching all types of fish from blue gill to lake trout. Although warm water species are starting to tip the scale.
3. See question # 2. I enjoy catching all species of fish.
4. Guess I might get in trouble if I said my wife... but uhh I love fishing the Big Hole and Bitterroot rivers in Montana.
5. My favorite type of fishing in "JIGGING". I love fishing Jigs on the rivers and lakes. In fact, I put my Fly Rod away since I started tying my own jigs.
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1. Bonneville Cutthroat
2. I would have to say Salmon River Kings and Steelies. First of all I am
native to Idaho, & there is nothing in the world like experiencing big
anadramous fish returning to your state, most importantly one as far
from the ocean as Idaho. We must keep educated & do all we can to
ensure this miracle of life goes on for all to behold.
3. Suckers, mostly because as a young lad, every day after school I would run
down to spring creek (Idaho) and try to catch big cutts & bows w/ only
the knowhow of a inexperienced boy. I wasn't educated enough yet to
know the difference between the fight of a trout compared to that of a
sucker. Thus, everytime I hooked up with a fat sucker, (and believe
me they were big), I would think I was hooked into my new personal
best trout. What a dissapointment when my young eyes would see the
big kisser of a sucker come through the water. Now I realize it was
still fun because it was always a mystery for me, & it kept me in some
heavy lifting action.
4. Again, Spring Creek, Idaho as a lad. Each night I would run down to the
creek as soon as I could get off that darn bus & gather my tackle. This
place taught me so much in all aspects of life. Somedays I just wished
I could take Tom & Huck to my fishin' hole, then show them my twine
hut in the trees, constructed all out of bailing twine all woven to form
two rooms & a bridge that connected them. (Thanks to my buddy
Rhett for helping me!) Anyhow, back to my favorite fishin' hole. This
place had a culvert where the local farmer had built a road over the
creek. It had a quick current, so as it came out the end of the tube it
formed a deep hole with eddies & the works. After I had the fish all
spooked, they would proceed up into the dark cover of the culvert.
Then, I would proceed to switch my hand selected nightcrawler over to
my favorite Panther Martin (yellow w/ red dots), and then go to the
front of the culvert & toss it in. The current would take my lure
downstream to the fish, & I guess because of the dark, they hit it w/
no fear. Then the fight was on, as the current was to the advantage of
the fish. I usually could pull out two before they would finally shut off
for good. Then it was back to the birdwatching while drownin' worms.
Thank goodness Mom started making me throw them back after they
started showing up in her freezer, or I might have gone and cleaned
out that hole!
5. Fly fishing. I love the challenge! Also, I love to try & tie up a real winner.
6. Mandatory Fishing Education Course, etiquette, catch and release techniques I'm sick when people hold up a trophy through the gills snap a pik
then think they've safely released a fish, can't stand the freakin litter problem,
we all need to be educated as to what it takes to have respect for nature, and
what it takes to maintain healthy fisheries for all to thoroughly ENJOY!
I could on & on on this subject, but I'm out of room, & late for work.
Happy New Member, Afishionado
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[#0000ff]This contest will run until March 1 and winners will be announced by March 2. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
March 2nd is quickly coming to an end. Did I win????
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[cool][#0000ff]You are definitely a WINNER. Not sure about the contest yet. Have one more judge to hear from. I will be fishing tomorrow so I probably will make the announcements on Sunday.[/#0000ff]
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And I was figuring to pick up my "Grand Prize" at the perch fest tomorrow[  ].
If any of you still have a BFT sticker is there a chance I could get one?
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[cool][#0000ff]You just worry about picking up some perch.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I will have a few stickers...and a staple gun to stick them to your forehead.[/#0000ff]
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Then where am I going to put my nametag?
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[cool][#0000ff]Put that on your wrist so you can look at it and remember your name.[/#0000ff]
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But I don't want to keep taking off my mittens every time sombody asks who I am.[cool]
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[cool][#0000ff]Can't help you. You are beyond help...and disqualified.[/#0000ff]
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1. Bonneville cutthroat trout
2. Largemouth Bass - Because of the level of fight, the potential size of them, and the fun of fishing tournaments for them. And also the skill level it takes sometimes to convince them to bite.
3. Least favorite fish is the grass carp. The grass carp was introduced in this country as a "solution" to some of the thick heavy vegetation that was growing in some lakes. Every lake that this species of carp was introduced into, they destroyed the ecosystem of the lake, and ruined fishing. Lake Conroe in Texas is the prime example of a world class fishery that was crashed and burned because the grass carp destroyed all the fish habitat. They have spent the last 15 to 20 years trying to undo the damage.
4. Not sure if you mean in Utah or overall, so I will give qualifiers.
a. Utah favorite fishing hole - Lake Powell. The shear size, beauty and variety of fish makes it a unique lake, not only in Utah, but in the world. It is a lake that you might catch a state record fish on your next cast, and it could be one of many different species.
b. for Wipers - a tie between Willard Bay in Utah, and Logan Martin Lake in Alabama.
c. In Texas - Gibbons Creek Reservoir. A small reservoir located near College Station, TX. It is a catch and release only bass lake that every time you go someone in the boat is going to put a 10 lb LM in the boat. Power plant lake so the water temp remain nice even in "winter" as we called it there.
d. In Alabama - Guntersville. PERIOD. Why, you would have to go spend a day on it to realize what a world class fishery it is, the scenery is classic Appalachian foothills, pine trees, etc. It is no wonder that if you ask all pro bass fisherman about Guntersville, they all love fishing it.
5. Favorite fishing is Bass fishing. I just prefer the cast and retrieve and the challenge of bass fishing. While fun, it is a challange to pit yourself against those little green fish with the pea sized minds, but the finicky appetite of Morris the Cat. Favorite way to fish for bass - lipless crank baits (i.e. Rat-L-traps, rattling rapalas, etc)
6. Would make the fishing rules allow tournaments to boat and livewell fish during a tournament even if the lake does not allow fish larger than 12 inches to be kept. The fish would still have to be released, so no harm to the fishing, but would allow a weigh-in and make the tournaments more fun.