01-24-2017, 11:21 PM
Hey all. I have a 5 year old and 3 year old that like coming fishing with me in the summer. Let me rephrase that, they love throwing rocks and playing on the bank and occasionally reeling in a few fish. As long as they're having fun I guess! But I've never tried taking them ice fishing. I live in Rexburg and thought that the ponds in the nature park might be a good route to go as I don't know how they'll like it and it wouldn't be a big time commitment if they weren't so interested. If they like it we can try other places. Anyone fished that this year? Is the ice ok? Any ideas on what to use for the perch and trout in there? We just want to go have fun and get out of the house for a bit, that's what fishing is all about when you're 5 and 3.