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Anyone know what the water temp is out at the bay?
Saturday it was anywhere from 39 to 44 obviously the shallow areas near the dikes was that warmer temps!? Be warned the fish cops are checking boats. He checked everything in my boat from life jackets to fire extinguisher to lights but never checked for a fishing license.....just make sure your ducks are in a row.
You must be new to Spring fishing at Willard, they do that every year about this time. Much better to do it now and get everyone ready for the season than bother you later in the season when the catching is good. Did you catch anything?
Oh I'm there every spring since I was a kid with my dad among everywhere else I always strive to be legit and legal always! This guy tho gives the other fish fuzz a bad name! I live by the golden rule and that guy got treated the same way he treated me! It's all good tho he didn't scare me away! I had something (assuming a wiper) pull my planer under water then it popped back up and nothing?? And so it continued the rest of the afternoon!? Still a bit early I think??
Most of the Fish cops there are pretty nice, maybe he was new or just having a bad day[:/]. Yea, it's a bit early to expect much from Willard but things could change this week. With all the warm weather they are forecasting this week, I think we will start seeing some changes later in the week.
Last year was my first year at Willard in my new to me boat. Hearing about the fish cops there at the bay made me go through and make sure I had everything I needed to be legal. Upon inspection I noticed my fire extinguisher was still good, but out of date. I had a few options but just bought a new one.

I then went to Willard and no fish cop. Sad But at least I now know that I have everything I might need in case of an emergency.

So thank you for people who post things like this to remind the rest of us to have our ducks in a row.
Yeah it's all good I don't hold any grudges! I honestly felt like he was getting upset because I had everything he asked for!? I agree the time is near!! I really just enjoyed the calm water mild temp and no bugs!
I had around 40-45 degrees on the 11th in the afternoon. Trolled spoons and rapallas for 4 hours to no avail, Sadly. Was great weather, though Smile
The fire extinguisher only needs inspections for business not for private. Just make sure the arrow is in the green, and of course be sure the pin is in place and has a breakable plastic tie. Keep us posted on water temperature at willard. I'll be on the water Wednesday afternoon.
it was 42 when we loaded up at 3 today.. had one hit on worm harness on downrigger beautiful weather bugs are hatching it wont be long!!
At what temps do the wiper start getting active?
Thanks for the update everyone. Getting excited for the water temp to get high enough to get the fish active for spring fishing.
I'm looking for around 55 degrees. I think they will get pretty active by then.
We were out on Saturday and saw 44 degrees in freeway bay. Marked a good amount of fish on the new sonar, but no takers...water is up 8' from last years highest level! But with this much snow runoff still barreling in, I kinda doubt its going to warm up enough to really take off anytime soon. I'm guessing 3 weeks but I bet it'll be hard for me to stay off the water that long!
I was up there yesterday afternoon. Had a few hits that I missed. I did manage to bring in a nice 21" cat. But no Walleye or Wipers. We were trolling bottom bounces/worm harness.

Seems like most of the activity that I noticed was all on the south end. Marked a few fish, bites, etc. Anything north of the south marina, not a thing. Water temps from what I saw ranged from 40-45 range.
I just looked at the inspection check list and didn't see anything about business or private, but boats of open construction with outboard motors are not required but highly recommended.
I was getting 40-45 degrees yesterday. Only one fish.
With the warmer nights and sunny days water temperature is sure to provide more action this weekend. I only saw one to two boats most of last week as I drove through S Willard. I counted 10-12 today.
Wow....nice fish!! [Smile]

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