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Great time on the Gunnison
Hit the gunnison just below Morrow Point dam where the Cimarron river flows in. The cimarron was flowing high and muddy which made for a great mud line where the two joined. I ended up with sever al hire as well as my daughter and I landed two. A small wiggly brown and what looks to be a laker. Fish were surfacing all over the place. We were there from about 6:30 pm to 8 pm.
Thanks for posting your report and pics Kevin. The fish you thought might be a laker is likely a Splake. They really look so similar that it's hard to tell, here is a pic of a splake. Nice color on that brown. I grew up in Colo, fishing rivers like that all the time, beautiful area.
I thought it was a splake at first but no splake are listed in that water.
Very nice, just about all the rivers here are running high right now.
Looks like you guys had a good time. Thanks for sharing.
It was fun to try out a new location and the reward was even better than planned.[Smile]

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