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electric trolling motors
Curious to know if a person can flip the head of a endura max 40, or does it have stuff in the way as compared to a endura c2 ? cant seem to find an answer so here I am. Thanks
[#0000FF]I have switched a lot of C2s and they are easy. In looking at pics of the head of the Max it appears the process would be the same...removing the single cross bolt, rotating the head 180 degrees and then reinserting the bolt.

Here is a pic of the head...and an attachment showing how to do it with a C2. If you need to be sure, go look at one at a dealers and make sure the bolt is easily accessible and reversible.

[inline "ENDURA MAX 40.jpeg"]
Yep I have a c2 50 I flipped already, I was thinking the c2 50 would be too much for the toon I just purchased ( colo. xts ) not the best of the bunch but it will get me started until I see if I like this stuff or not. I was thinking the c2 50 would eat batteries up. correct me if I am mistaken.

I was hoping for longer battery life with a max 40 but could be that I am falling for the hype, any thoughts?
[#0000FF]If you merely want to get from point A to point B the fastest, the 50 will be slightly faster than the 40. But the Endura WILL suck more life from the battery faster...especially at lower speeds. The Max is built to take only the juice required to move the toon at the selected speed. The C2 sucks the same juice for all speeds and at lower speeds the excess power is dissipated as heat. A waste of available battery power.

In short, if you plan to do some slow trolling and want the longest life possible from your battery you will do better with the Max. But if you merely want to power off to a desired fishing area faster...or get back to your vehicle better in a headwind...the 50 C2 might work best.

You will find that properly setting up, positioning and tuning your electric motor on your toon is a lot like running a gas motor on a boat. Shaft length, angle of thrust, "footprint" of your craft on the water, drag from things left in the water while under power...and other factors...will all influence speed and efficiency.
Thanks TubeDude,
Looks like I will go with the max because I would like to slow troll at times.
I'm a little late, but yes you can flip the max just like the older models, got my max setup about a couple months ago.

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