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Thirty three white balloons went by, near to unclear objects in the sky, with no breeze, falling pressure, 33 FM/AM degrees ; winter will lay too late for thirty eight. Parallel to dawn, 33 balloons were gone.
Well that's kind of a strange story, care to expand on it?
That was earlier in the year, february/march. Have to disguise the location and such.

First half of this mornings story is : Up at 1:30 like everyone does to get ready, its over 50 degrees and rising. I'll try for two locations if the first doesn't cut it Going for a glory fish ( little short on my quota this year and the boss has been riding me )
Can't keep the fish in my dreams and oddly enough I never do that great anyway.
Well the original post rhymes but is pretty cryptic. If it was suppose to disguise the location, I'd say mission accomplished.
Now to your rely, "Up at 1:30 like everyone does to get ready", you must be going a long distance to get up that early, I can only remember doing that once and that was because of making a 4 hr drive to Flaming Gorge. 60 degrees here right now, must be a storm moving in because that's suppose to be the high for the day. Good luck on the Glory fish.
'RE "Well the original post rhymes but is pretty cryptic."
Yeah, I'll try to add more info in the future; prior to that night I was up for two days, with only moldy rye bread to eat.'

I didn't really plan on that early, just happened but it does take me too long to wake up and get ready, wanted to get a couple hours of predawn fishing. Ended up with a couple extra hours to kill, then still feeling rushed to get ready I forgot the net.
Got out early enough, felt like I was out all night just to screw up the hookset on the most promising bite.
Dug in for a war of attrition (my usual tactic) and waited all morning. That was all that worked for me, wait for the fish with my best presentations.
I ended up with two walleye which is about as good as I ever do there. One 16 1/2 , one about 18 1/2
. After having terrible luck with walleye this year and being forced to grab instead of netting them, it was a really a rewarding feeling. Its been months since I've seen a good one so they looked about three inches longer to me. Good thing was, only had one bycatch trout and no little bass.
The only advice I can give for the rest of the open season is to fish slow and have patients. The 60's aren't in the forecast for me but I think we'll have have a few more good days before the season catches up.
Might go on a shorter trip this afternoon to the other spot I haunt, mostly for territorial reasons now, its one of those tiny lakes that might make you think of a crowd of people trying to shoot fish in a barrel. Probably won't be a need for part two of that story.
Looking at the attached map I'm Confused, maybe we should stop naming winter storms anthropomorphically or otherwise. Seems like benji got lost in the south when he should have been here. Next after c how about donner, it can hit the sierras.
Going back for more punishment to location bravo, Iets say. Just looking to set up and beat the sun without too much pain. Have to admit that I couldn't handle the same trip with ice and snow, right now.
Fall is down to its last days and it feels like its lasted 6 months. Looks like it could be changing gears, thinking there might be ice for me in a couple weeks, maybe one or two pond trips for 2017. Basically a year full of inglorious bass with just a couple worth remembering.
Going to hit some more water this morning and definitely will have great luck bird watching.

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