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It looks like ice fishing season is just about here, horseshoe and Boyd had a pretty good sections of them froze but the wind yesterday broke a lot of it up. It won’t be long before they are safe ice. Now is the time to get that ice fishing gear ready. Check the auger blades, check and start your power auger if you have one. Replace that old fishing line, check/charge your depth finder battery. It will be more enjoyable if everything is in good working order. Have fun on the ice this season.
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Good signs at least. Haven't seen any on boyd yet but the bites froze for me there. Everything looks like its in limbo right now and pretty beat up by the weather. Some snow fell last night so that might help protect and seed anything that held on. Hope we get a good stretch below freezing soon, I'm expecting a short nerve racking season.
Last year we had a good amount of cold and I had my best early ice season but it was a pretty slow/short season for me otherwise.
Hope everyone stays safe or at least has good luck if they don't.
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Have you made it out for any ice fishing yet Chuck? Looks like if finally got cold up your way.
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Hey Curt, no I haven’t made it on the ice yet, nothing is safe around here yet or no ice at all. There’s no ice fishing aloud on carter res. and horsetooth res. looks scary. Some one told me it stays too warm in those areas. Looks like Boyd has ice but not capped unless it did this week. I haven’t drove by it yet, tomorrow I will go and check it out.
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Well that's too bad, from watching the weather it looked like you guys were getting some really cold weather there. Hopefully you will find some safe ice before the season is over but I have a feeling it is going to be a short season this year.
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How about you willami, have you been getting out on any decent ice yet?
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No ponds in loveland allow ice fishing/skating but doing anything else on the ice is safe, evidently.
Smile by fire, baptize or be drier.
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I’vs seen guys ice skating and play hockey on westerdoll and Heinricy lake. I never seen any ice fishing on them, only on Boyd. Looks like Boyd is trying to freeze but with this warm spell hitting.
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Sorry, didn't see your question, had it set up where it was just showing one post at a time.
Around Christmas I started on a small pond and went for four or five trips with little more than a bite. Around new years eve I started on a larger lake and had some hard won luck. So far my list by numbers is ;
[ol][li]Trout[/li][li]Walleye/saugeye[/li][li]perch [/li][li]largemouth [/li][li]bluegill [/li][li]white crappie[/li][/ol]Wanted to get to a better lake but Its pretty questionable if its safe yet plus it was a warm night so its not as tempting.
Going for a another attempt this morning but I'm feeling the wanderlust and might stop by another spot if it doesn't satisfy.
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Adding white bass, catfish and my first identified wiper. Also if it counts earlier I trapped some fatheads, chubs and shiners under ice.
Ice was about 1/3 rotted by the end of the day.
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[quote willami]Sorry, didn't see your question, had it set up where it was just showing one post at a time.
Unless you have your notices shut off, every time someone replies to a post you made or sends you a PM, you should receive an Email notice.
Sounds like you have been doing pretty good so far this year, do you usually fish on the bottom or suspended fish?
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I don't get online too often but I'll change my settings and check for replies.
Sporadic and hard to comprehend is how I'd describe my internet personality and ice fishing skills.
It looks good on paper but I've put a lot of work into it and only had numbers of stocked trout and only one big fish. I didn't sleep well and got up at 4am today for purgatorial luck ,16 holes in 11 hours with only three small rainbows.
Without any fun electronics or know how I'm usually concentrated close to the bottom but always wondering and looking for advice on depths relative to distance from shore ; I hear walleye are good shallow at night and the opposite, I think of pike as good shallow and top water but its one of the last on my list to get on ice. Feel like crappie would be good to start at mid depth.. Trout seem to be anywhere when they're stocked well. Perch on bottom sounds pretty safe to say.
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Go up to your Forum Settings in the light blue bar and click on it. The scroll down to where it says:
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You need to check at least the last three boxes.
Then scroll down it the bottom and click the, Save Forum Settings, button.
If that has already been saved, then all you need to do is check your Email spam, to make sure the notices are not going to the wrong place. I have in my address book.
Hope that helps.
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Thinking the problem is I look at the forum more than my email. I need to look at my profile page to for new stuff or just browse.
Hope you Utahns are staying safe and lucky.
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Season 18 is almost done and my species list probably is too.
As of 2/15, by number of species first:
[ol][li]Trout (Rainbow/Cutbow)[/li][li]Smallmouth Bass ***
[/li][li]Walleye/saugeye **
[/li][li]Yellow Perch[/li][li]Largemouth Bass[/li][li]White Bass/Wiper[/li][li]Bluegill
[/li][li]Channel Catfish *
[/li][li]White Crappie
[/li][li]Northern Pike[/li][/ol]*Targeted effort
Baitfish under ice : Fathead, shinner, sucker and chub.
Carp is my last expected, local icebucket species ( don't think any musky are left in the area. Feel like I got a bullhead once but not sure ).
Want to say I had a black crappie and sunfish this year but can't remember. Those and a brown trout could make a perfect season still.
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Wow, that's impressive, so you caught all those different species this Winter?