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Fish Finder
Looking to invest in a new fish finder for "ice" fishing, any suggestions?
Humminbird ice helix 7
This topic comes up frequently every year and even though I have my preference, I’ve come to the conclusion that the best sonar unit is the one that you can afford. Educate yourself by going to somewhere like Cabelas and look over your options. Each unit comes with its own set of features that will help you target fish. I’ve used two makes and they are both good units, but in the end, I ended up buying two different models of the make I prefer. Focus on the sonars that are made specifically for ice fishing as they enable you the best target adjustments. I also like the color models the best. I haven’t listed my units because I believe it’s best to come to a conclusion based on research. It’s a little more work, but it’ll payoff in the end.

Merry Christmas and happy ice fishing with your new sonar.
I had to call in sick so I could go to Lake Powell!
The ice helix series have sonar, gps, and flasher mode. Big advantage over traditional flashers in my opinion.
I have several depth finders, each performs the way they are advertised. Looking at them in various stores is a good idea,but to get a true picture of the workings and first hand information I suggest you take a walk out on the ice and get a feel for what others are using. Most anglers are willing to show what they are using and why they choose what they have. Ask some questions: are they easy to read, are they easy to set up or make adjustments, how much interference do you get from other depth finders, does it have duel cone settings, what's the advantage. Ask anything you can think of to help you decide.

Because I am some what color blind I prefer a gray scale display, it's easier for me to reed. I also have others with a color scale those are the ones my grand kids use.

Take some time looking and asking, it will be time well spent.

We are looking at doing an on ice comparison of gear in early January at Hyrum... Not sure I've got time to pull everything together, but Sportsmans warehouse has expressed interest in this as well and I think we can put together a good demo day so you can see the difference and decide in a real setting... Sorry those demo modes on the machines are nowhere near real world situations, you need to do like some have suggested here, ask to see what others are doing or come to the demo day... I'm liking my Marcum LX-7 but you may not, only way to tell is to get in the drivers seat and see what works for you... Good luck and look for more later on the demo day.. May call it the Hyrum Expo on Ice... Later J
I too have the Marcum Lx-7. Love it. It does everything I would need it to do. Huge difference for me when chasing the big Macks at the Gorge. I think prior responses are right on. I believe a lot depends on what kind of fishing you do. Get on the ice, ask questions, and go from there.
Lets the\row in a whole new idea for sonar. love my deeper! great for both ice fishing and soft water fishing. i can pack it anywhere its light and easy to use. I can take it in the back country and last all day. uses your phone for a screen and not as big and clumsy as traditional fish finders. I like it and like that i can take it wherever i like. check it out for your self and make your own conclusion.
"new" is not the operative term, I took tubedudes advice and found a few hummin bird 565 and they are my go to fish liar
Honestly, you can often do just as well as the guy with the $500 setup with $100. If the sensitivity will allow you to see your jig, then you can also see the fish and how deep they are. I have an 'ancient' (probably 15 years old) Eagle fishfinder that does great for ice fishing. MANY times I've watched my jig on it, watched how the fish react to the action and adjusted to catch them, and also saw the fish come in a different depths and adjusted to catch them.
The one thing I learned VERY quickly is never trust the Fish ID settings (the ones that show a little fish image every time the machine thinks it is a fish). You will think you have mountains of fish passing by you but you aren't catching anything. In reality it was a piece of moss or something. Watch and learn the echoes.
With that said, make sure the screen resolution and power to the unit are good enough to differentiate between weeds and fish. Some of the older ones or no-name brand ones are questionable that way, but pretty much any newer brand name unit will do just great.
If you can see your jig, see the fish, and changing the presentation doesn't help, then it's the bait not the fish finder that is the problem.

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