01-25-2018, 03:21 AM
Native Oregonian that’s fished all top half of our state, many places in WA, and Alaska where I lived and taught for over a decade.
Won derbies been in mags... ya but no don’t give myself whiplash. The picks and baits tell the stories. A Vet 4 years on carrier in first Gulf War where I straightened out my hoodlum long hair concert shirt black leather style lol.
Conservative, flexible, easy going, never cross compare and when you teach elementary school where 36 of 42 staff are of opposites sex conditioned me to stay neutral- zero drama and never compare baits I play with and fish.. towards any others.
I focus on my self as the competition I see is the person I look at in the mittor.
Be cool always willing to share the love of hot baits and being probed for info.
Native Oregonian that’s fished all top half of our state, many places in WA, and Alaska where I lived and taught for over a decade.
Won derbies been in mags... ya but no don’t give myself whiplash. The picks and baits tell the stories. A Vet 4 years on carrier in first Gulf War where I straightened out my hoodlum long hair concert shirt black leather style lol.
Conservative, flexible, easy going, never cross compare and when you teach elementary school where 36 of 42 staff are of opposites sex conditioned me to stay neutral- zero drama and never compare baits I play with and fish.. towards any others.
I focus on my self as the competition I see is the person I look at in the mittor.
Be cool always willing to share the love of hot baits and being probed for info.