05-10-2018, 06:28 PM
Had another fun outing this week with my little kids. We launched our 14' aluminum boat at the primitive launch just east of provo harbor. We cruised up river looking for whitebass. They are visible on all of the gravel beds and in the deeper holes. We ended up catching a half bucket of whitebass in the deep section across from the ropes course. 3" grubs in any color combo worked for us. People are lined up and down the banks and it appeared that catching was steady for most everybody. One fellow had a nice rainbow trout, may 17" long and thick. Cruising the lower section of the Provo river in a boat is one of my favorite things to do. There are lots of big trees with shade, and vegetation that makes it feel like you're on the Jungle Cruise at Disney land. We brought along an old loaf of bread to feed the ducks. There are plenty of ducklings swimming around behind their moms learning the river. Its a great atmosphere for fishing with family and kids, the fast biting white bass kept their attention spams for a few hours. It should be good fishing in that section for another few weeks at least.