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I don't understand when/why they decide to staff the pay station. I drove up to fish yesterday and arrived just after 6 a.m., and it was staffed. Far fewer boats on the lake yesterday.
Today I arrived closer to 7 a.m. and the pay station was closed. Waaaay more boats today and there's a cluster of people standing around the "pay pole" and trying to remember their license plate digits while they search for exact change. Seems rather inefficient. Is there any rhyme or reason to why/when/how it's staffed?
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it cost money to have someone at the pay station all the time
so I think it is only open on week ends
I go by so early no one is there
they do send some one around the parking lot to check if you pay
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Why is Strawberry off the state park passes ?? DWR supplies all the fish there, they supply law enforcement, and the state plows the road in the winter, YET, you pay over and above even if you have a Park pass. Federal pass is no good either !! Who controls it and collects the money?? Main reason I don't fish it, not going to pay for something I already have !!
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IIRC, it's the same concessionaire that collects fees at Pineview. Their contract is with the Forest Service, I think, so it doesn't fall under or within the UT Park system.
I agree that it's outrageous.
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I've been told a NP Senior Pass is good for a 50% discount at Strawberry.
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These fees are still so BS. I don't mind supporting "the system", but when I get dinged at the berry, dinged at the gorge, dinged at Willard, dinged at the campground, dinged here dinged there. IT IS BS! How many hands out are there?? I am not a poor man, but I can see later on in life on a fixed income I will either have to make a choice to not go fishing or break the Darn law to do so.
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No, you'll just buy an Annual Utah Parks Pass and fish any state park you want - but not Pineview or Strawberry. The Senior Pass is $35 a year, so only three trips put you in the black.
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strawberry was part of the C.U.P. and is a federal reservoir ,the park pass is not taken but the fees are much lower than state parks .
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Sorry, doesn't fly !! CUP was/is a tax payer funded project. A National Parks Pass should be adequate to get you in no charge. Same at Pineview. And the fees are not less, I believe State Parks are $10 now and Pineview and Strawberry are both $15. they can both take a very long walk off a very short pier, won't go there !!
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straw berry is 8 bucks to enter and is federal reservoir .not a national park . sorry you don't like it but it is what it is .
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Anyone with a golden access pass gets 50% off as well. I just spend four days, three night at the Aspen Grove camp ground at Strawberry and it only cost me $34.50. That include my camping spot, parking for two vehicles and launching of my boat all four days. Seemed pretty reasonable to me. [  ]
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They raised the fee to $9 this year. It’s bad enough they don’t accept the state pass or allow senior discounts but how about repairing the docks?
The dock at SC has been twisted and broken all this year. Pretty  and negligent.
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More federal mis-management at its finest! Another reason we do not need more monuments, parks, ect. I deal with federal agencies on a weekly basis. It boggles the mind to see the ineptitude and ignorance. Not to mention the thinly veiled agendas trying to run me out of business. Bless their hearts[angelic]
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I have a call in to the Heber Ranger District questioning why there is no discount for day use with a Senior Pass. Since there is a 50% discount for camping, it appears it costs more to launch a boat than to camp? Makes no sense at all. Why are our federal lands held hostage by concessionaires?
I tried to call American Land and Leisure in PG. Long message, nobody even answers the damn phone. This is what privatization looks like. Wonder who they paid off.
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strawberry is a diamond ,i would pay double and put up with old docks ,bathrooms and cleaning stations to fish this gem of a lake . aside from flaming gorge it is flat out one of the best fisheries in the west . that just me i not as cheap about stuff as some of my fellow fishermen . but from the looks of it more people would rather fish a mud puddle because it a couple of bucks cheaper .
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Quote:Why is Strawberry off the state park passes ??
Here is an explanation as I understand the issue. Soldier Creek Dam & Strawberry Reservoir was initially founded on Forest Service (FS) land; This land was subsequently withdrawn by the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to construct the project. So Reclamation now owns the land under the dam & reservoir. Reclamation is a water resource management agency and not a recreation management agency so they set up agreements with recreation managers to manage the recreation around the various reservoirs. Since the FS initially owned the land & were in the recreation business (at least in the 1970 & 80's) they were the logical management partner. This is the same reason the FS manages the recreation at Pineview, Current Creek and FG. The problem at all of these reservoirs seems to be exacerbated when the FS subcontracted the management to American Land & Leisure (ALL) at PV, CC and Strawberry . Since ALL is managing the recreation, your Golden Eagle passes (do they sale them anymore?/) are no longer valid at these reservoir. Since the area was never a National Park, your NP passes were never any good here.
What chaps my fanny is the fact that the recreation facilities around these reservoirs were constructed with Federal tax $$$. Now ALL collects the fees for camping & boat launching and none of this money is used to maintain the facilities. The restroom at the SC marina was closed all of last season and wasn't open this spring when I was up there. (They did bring in some porta potties!) The door locks (and/or doors) on the bathroom stalls could use a little maintaining.
On the flip side, Reclamation had to purchase the land from private land owners on reservoirs such as Jordanelle, Deer Creek, Willard Bay, East Canyon & etc. State Parks is the recreation manager with Reclamation at these locations. One difference, the State Parks has some skin in the game, they were a 50/50 cost share partner in the construction of the recreation facilities. These facilities, appear to me, to be much better maintained - Good Job State Parks.
There are a lot of nuances, to numerous to mention, regarding recreation at Reclamation's reservoirs. Hopefully this clears up a few of the issues. If we wanted to make a change, we would probably have to start petitioning our Senators and Congressmen. I for one, would love to see State Parks take over the recreation management around all three of these reservoirs.
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I think a very fair solution in the interim is to only charge currently registered boats 1/2 price the daily ramp fee.
Not registered motorcraft =pay full price and risk a ticket.
Using the ramp with a boat that does not to be registered=pay full price.
My almost $300/year boat registration needs to count towards something........
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the best things about strawberry and the gorge are that the state parks are not there to jack up price and ruin the experience with needless and stupid rules and regs
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I had a long conversation with Marshall in the SL FS office today. I expressed my frustration that Senior Pass holders get a discount on camping but not for day use. So, it actually costs more to simply launch your boat than get a campsite. Seems capricious. ALL didn't even answer the phone and don't seem to do much. These concessions seem like a cash cow. They are awarded by competitive bid, and the FS welcomes input via email at:
Hope that's right.
I plan to question the fees and inconsistent discount policy at Strawberry.
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you do know you don't have to pay for launching your boat if you pay to camp [:/]