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Hey, it's a start. 27 inches Utah Lake 3-13-18
[#00bf00]Nice Start Lynn good for 27 points and moved ya into second place...[/#00bf00]
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26 incher caught today 3-29 at Lincoln.
Might want to hold off on this one Jeff cuz I expect to bump it tomorrow. The waters are warming.
[#00bf00]Hey Lynn,[/#00bf00]
[#00bf00]Nice fish good for 26 points, we'll score it today, but may not run an update on the totals yet... Did put south closer to the lead but north still has ya by a touch... Look forward to your crews outcomes tomorrow.. Good luck... J[/#00bf00]
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Utah Lake 4-26, 25 inches.
Hope to bump this one but this should give me three fish on the score card.
[#00BF00]Nice job Lynn, It is just a hair short of the next half so 25 points... But I'm sure you will replace it soon... J[/#00BF00]
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Utah Lake, May 8, 26 inches. Only a one inch bump but might need every inch I can get.
[#00bf00]Nice job Lynn good for 26 points and nice fish...[/#00bf00]
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Bump yesterday's 26 incher with todays 27 incher. "inching" up.
Utah Lake, May 9, 27 inches.
[#00bf00]Very nice Lynn another great fish... Moving up!!! Nice job... J[/#00bf00]
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Lets see, Tues = 26", Wed = 27", That means you should have your first 30" cat on Sat right? Darn it, there's a cold front coming. You might have to go right to the 30.
Good job!
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Im a thinkin hell just have to tough it out in the weather if he wants to get up to 36 or he might have to start at 1 and that could take over a month.[laugh]
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S-l-o-w-l-y moving up... 28 inches, June 6, Utah Lake.
[#00bf00]Nice job Lynn good for 28 points... J[/#00bf00]
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Hey Lynn, don't you mean June 3rd or 4th ? The 6th aint till Wednesday, unless this one is from LAST YEAR [sly]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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Forrest-- The sun did it, baked my brain so I couldn't even tell the date. For the record, the fish was caught today, June 4th.
Nice fish you put up too. I noticed it was caught in the south.[  ]
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Need to get you a big sombrero, keep that sun off. Yea, it was caught in your pond yesterday [  ]. Been trying to rope in one of the monsters that Ahi keeps catching up here on the river. But I don't know where he has them all penned and I can't make it out there at night or as often as he does. It would be considered a "non-contest" Cat for him, but it's my biggest one so far. Gonna keep trying.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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Should be good for a 1 inch bump... I need all I can get this year.
28 inches, Utah Lake, 6-25
[#00bf00]Now that's a pretty fish and good for 28 points... nice job Lynn and your tied with Pat... just in case you were wondering... J[/#00bf00]
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Vary good cat! Utah lake cat are big this year
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Nice one BLK!!!
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Thanks Derek... looks like you have joined the exclusive 30 inch club too... maybe, one of these days I'll find my first 30 incher.
Got a tough one for Jeff. Picked up this 28 incher today and Catrat also caught a 27 and a 28. We were fishing from kayaks and picture taking presents major problems for us. We did not want to kill the fish by taking them in for a truck tailgate photo so we lined up three yaks and tried to get a decent photo. Every pic was blurred or blocked or not all in the pic. Anyway, I'm going to submit this one in two photos and see if Jeff can do his thing to read the sun-blurred numbers. If not, I know where the fish lives and I will ketch him again so no big deal.[  ]
Utah Lake, 7-14 28 blurred inches.
[#00bf00]You are making me earn my money on scoring this one... Assuming the measure stick is 40" you are good for 28 points, but I don't have a previous use of this measuring device to reference...but I know you're trustworthy so I'm putting you down for 28... J[/#00bf00]
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Thought I had a 30 incher for sure when I first saw this one. Not so... best I could do was a close 29 inches. August 6th at UL. Can use him to replace my last blurry 28 incher.
[#00bf00]Hey Lynn nice job, good for 29 just verily.... Later J[/#00bf00]
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Utah Lake, 9-20, had to put a good stretch on him but I think he will go 29 inches. Still cannot find one that will make the 30 inch line. Soon...
[#00bf00]Congrats Lynn lets call this one 29 but just verily made it.. That's about as close as I can go... I see some tail that just touches the line. [/#00bf00]
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Sept. 25, Lincoln, 30 inches
Another close one Jeff but I think he just touches the 30 inch mark. Took me all year to catch my first 30 incher. Years past I have always had a 30 by the end of May.
Bigger one soon to come.
[#00bf00]Nice fish Lynn, looks like just verily 30 points... J[/#00bf00]