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Lincoln beach wind 6/9
So following a week a being on vacation and not doing any fishing I was itching to get out and didn’t even think to check the weather and maybe I should have. The wind was terrible but we roughed it out. I took my son and met catchinon around 530 pm at the harbor to try the shore. My son caught on to a bullhead within a few minutes of getting in the water. I followed suit a few minutes later with a bulkhead and then he caught another one a few minutes later. The bullhead were definitely active but not getting much from the channel cats. The catches of bullhead continued for a bit before I finally caught on to a 19-20" er around 7:00. Then it died off except for my son who caught 2 more bullheads til 9:00 when he caught an 18" channel. The fishing was not good but the company was outstanding. It was great to further the friendship with Craig and G̲e̲t̲ to know a great man. I feel bad he got skunked, sorry to throw that out there buddy.... but with the wind churning the water the conditions were less than ideal. I hope we can get out on a better day
No problem about outing my skunk. It wasn't a full-on skunk, though. "We" caught some, meaning you and Catslayer caught and I was part of the group. And I did get a bite. I think. Or maybe it was an optical delusion from hours of watching that bobber bounce up and down on the waves. (And that doesn't even count the waves from boaters who think that wakeless means one notch below WOT.) Besides, working from the law of averages and opposition, now I'm up for a good day that much sooner. Plus I want to branch out and find new places to try.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Even though it was 1045 by the time I got those 2 channel cats filleted my 14 yr old boy was drooling and licking his lips wanting to fry them up. He loves his catfish more than anybody I have ever heard of before. Mom did put a kabosh on cooking that late but he did do them for lunch today. I’m with you on the wakeless boats. They have no clue what wakeless is. They even have bouys now that should give them a half a clue but a boat oar up side the head might be the only thing that might register to them lol.
[#0000FF]As a float tuber I have had to put up with "biggest boat has the right of way" attitude for years.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Here's whatcha need.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF][inline "POWER SQUADRON REPELLENT.jpg"]
Quote:They have no clue what wakeless is. They even have bouys now that should give them a half a clue

This state does not require a license to operate a boat. But it DOES have laws that cover boat operations. Buoy or no buoy, law requires a wake-less speed whenever you are withing 150 feet of a dock, shore angler, downed skier, stationary (meaning anchored) vessel, and inside any boat channel or harbor. What some of the power squadron don't understand is wake-less is not a specific speed -mph - it means NO WAKE. The bigger the boat, the bigger the bow wave, the bigger the motor, the bigger the wake at slower speed. All motorized boats create some kind of wake, even going dead slow. My little boat creates less wake at 6 mph than some do at 2 mph. My rule of thumb is, I throttle just enough to push me in the direction I need to go, and don't full throttle until I'm outside the channel jetty or buoys whichever is there. And I make a solid effort to go way out around bank anglers, not just to reduce my wake, but to be sure I don't snag up there lines.

Quote:boat oar up side the head might be the only thing that might register to them lol.
I have that exact same feeling, and that is why I no longer carry my gun when on the boat [mad] But something that might work is a good quality camera and a video that captures the offending boat, the wake it is producing, and the bow number if possible. Turn it in to the DNR Ranger.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Another guy I fished with lately told me he cast his biggest lure right into a jet skier's leg one time. Quite a mess getting all those trebles out of his leg.

To their credit the teenage boys slowed right down when I asked them politely to do so. One of the worst offenders was a middle-aged man with his family aboard. I guess that age doesn't equate to education or couth.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

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