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Big Fish From Shore at Strawberry
Hey guys.

I'm taking my kids up to Strawberry tomorrow to catch crawdads. It's their favorite activity. :-)

While we're there, I want to throw out some poles on rod holders to try for some fish. I haven't fished at Strawberry before. What type of setup and bait would you use for bigger fish with a "set it and forget it" from bank setup at Strawberry?

Can you fish with bigger minnows (like the ones at Sportsmans) to try and go for the bigger fish? I'd much rather try for size not quanity, since the main acitivity will be the crawdads.

The minnows work good in the fall up there. This time of year power bait, worms and marshmallows.
An excellent way to catch cutthroats from the bank is to toss white 2½ inch tubes with 3/8 oz. lead jig heads tipped with a small piece of minnow or chub meat. Hang it about 4 feet bellow a floating bubble. I like using the type of bubble that you can fill half way with water so that you can cast it way out.

But ... this type of "bait fishing" will frequently allow the cutthroat to swallow the lure deep in its throat. Removing the hook from way down in its throat is really hard on the fish often times killing it. So even though it is a very good way to catch cuts at the Berry, it too often makes for a Sad blood bath.

That same problem goes for a treble hook packed with Power bait.

The better thing to do would be to cast that tube and bubble way out and very slowly reel it in. That way, when you get bit, the hook will be just in the mouth ... further away from the throat.

Attached is a document I put together a few years back showing how to cut chub and tip a tube jig with chub (or sucker or minnow or whatever meat).

Enjoy your Berry trip James ...
Nice “how to “ instruction there my friend.

Thanks for sharing
So I've got to think the jig isn't doing much to attract the fish if it's just sitting below a bubble, do you think you could just use a hook and chunk of chub and then if it gets swallowed you could just cut off the hook and let the fish go without doing too much damage? Sorry catfish tactics hitting a trout water, so probably won't work the same, but I'm thinking it could work... Guess I was also thinking of using smaller chub minnows and putting the whole minnow on the hook... Nice write up Ralph.... Later J
[quote SkunkedAgain]So I've got to think the jig isn't doing much to attract the fish if it's just sitting below a bubble ...[/quote]

I disagree ... that jig is the MAIN attractor. The meat is what seals the deal.

I've tried a jig head tipped with meat with no tube and could only catch crawfish.

I've tried a tube without meat and couldn't catch anything.

But put them together and it can be a hay-day!

I have done very little fishing this year but once I get done moving into my new home I want to do some catching up. I would love to take you to the Berry with me sometime Skunked and show you what a fun time we have jigging those tubes tipped with chub.

--- Coot ---
Hey Ralph that sounds great! I hope we can get together and do that. Maybe you can show me a spot to catch some minnows while I'm there. I have to admit those chubs sure work a lot better than my carp minnows do. Good luck getting into the house. That's tougher work than the farming. Both takes us away from the good times on the ponds. Let me know when you find some time and I'll hope I can break loose then too. Thanks Jeff

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