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cast netted Willard bay to see forage fish size.
Well I just went down to see what forage fish I could find in the south marina.

Walleye, Bluegill, Tadpol and I think a shad but you tell me.

guess I did not take photos of the tadpoles but they where about 2"

All got released as I was thinking the silver ones where shad and not legal to keep. but i thought the shad had dots up front?? are there more then one type of shad in Willard???
Lots to eat in there for sure. Thanks for the post.
I don't see any shad in your sample. and I believe the long slender minnows are some kind of a shiner. Thank you for the sample. is this on the southern end or North?
There's Always Time For One More Cast
They might even be fingerling wipers. The last two photos are bluegill, obviously.
this was out of the south marina last night at about 9:50 pm.

I am just getting tha hang of this cast netting but that was a just a couple throws.
So after some research I found that the minnowsthat are silver and long are spottail shiners.
TubeDude could tell you for sure I bet but it could he a forage minnow called a long perch, not the same as a regular perch. There was a thread about this just recently.
[quote UThunting]

All got released as I was thinking the silver ones where shad and not legal to keep.


Good you released them all, because in addition to the shad it would have been illegal to keep walleye, bluegill and any other game fish that you may have netted. It is illegal to keep game fish that are caught by use of a net (except cisco can be caught with a dipnet).
[#0000FF]There are some bullfrogs in Willard and I have also seen some of their big tadpoles.
[#0000FF]I messed around with your pics to try to get a better idea of the actual identities. No shad. As you have found, the silvery ones are spottail shiners...holdovers from long ago plantings to try to build a forage are the log perch in the other picture. The other two fish are young crappie and bluegill. I have labeled my guesses.
well my photos suck badly as I know the 2 are bluegill and the other was a Walleye but I will try again tonight and get better photos.

yes the tadpoles where bullfrogs i have seen them plant wipes and there will be a lot of tadpoles in the truck that has wipers so I'm sure that's. where the frogs are coming from.
[#0000FF]There have been bullfrogs in Willard since well before the time of wipers.
True but I was just pointing out they dump a lot of big tadpoles when they plant wipers and I think that's where all the tadpoles come from when I was dip netting.

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