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FLAMING GORGE with the granddaughters
Well the trip started out with a bang first evening trip and landed a good 42 LB Mac. It took 35 minutes and the grand daughers thought their Arms were going to fall off. I was trying out my new lures to see what works the best, which was a great choice.
Nice fish, I bet those young gals were tired!!
That’s an awesome fish. Congratulations.
It was my personal best. I have a lot between 22 and 38 but this was the biggest. I started making my own lures and they are working great testing the speed and action was my goal. If anyone wants more I formation on the type of lures let me know I can help.
Beautiful Picture of fish and family!!!
WOW!!!! What a photo wish I had one photo like that!!!! That photo will be around for a long long time!!! Congrads
I'm heading up to Flaming Gorge Wednesday for a few days and would love some info on what, where, and how you caught a monster fish like that! Looks like you've mastered the art of big Lakers.
[quote WesternWalker]It was my personal best. I have a lot between 22 and 38 but this was the biggest. I started making my own lures and they are working great testing the speed and action was my goal. If anyone wants more I formation on the type of lures let me know I can help.[/quote]

I would be very interested, will you be up there in August at all? I wouldn't mind just having you on the boat and go over some current and future setups. I have kokes fairly squared away but haven't caught any pups over 8 pounds on my own boat. Granted I haven't spent much time on the bigger macs, we usually focus on kokes and pups to put in the freezer.
Hi WesternWalker I sent you a PM
Just want to thankyou for the fishing lures. They worked great at the Gorge. Love your site. Definitely going to purchase more lures. Thanks again for the info and the fantastic lures. Quality to say the least. Thanks
Glad you liked them, hope to see some photos at some point. If you need anything more I am always willing to help, I stand behind customer support. If you want more just let me know.

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