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Fished UL this a.m. Lots of cats but nothing helpful. Caught one old tom cat that I thought might go 28... again, but not quite. Still a nice fish, ugly, but nice.
On the way out this morning I glanced out the window of my truck to see the charred spot where Ice-Sled's boat burned. Look up just in time to nail a coyote that ran out in front of me. He was right at the spot where the fire was so he was either there for some extra crispy catfish or he was looking for mutton where the sheep are in the field to the south. Stopped on my way back home for a picture.
Glassy calm water today. A good day for me, not so much for the coyote.
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Coyote is worth 50 bucks from dwr.
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Nice cat and looks to be this years pup. And like stated earlier, worth 50 bucks!
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I'm no tree hugger but I do like to see various wildlife up close. And to me that's the way coyotes look best. BTW he was probably looking for young pheasants; there are quite a few around there.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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worth $50 but you need to get registered with the DWR Before taking it in.
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Are you seeing any scum around the launch or BI?
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[quote UThunting]worth $50 but you need to get registered with the DWR Before taking it in.[/quote]
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I have fished out of Lincoln every day this week. There are traces of green moss/Algie in the channel and some of the surrounding areas but no more than there is every year. Have not seen any of the bluish green clumps of scum for the past week or so.
The water level continues to drop and average depth in the channel today was just over 2.5 feet.
There are still people fishing there and I have even seen a couple of power boats with skiers. CAUTION is the key word. I avoid contact with the water and always wash after handling a fish. Fish and recreate at your own risk I guess.
Note on the coyote: I told my g-son where it was and he was on it before the flies— scalped, jawed, and in the freezer.
Good fishing today... lots of cats but nothing bigger than 26 inches.
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It's been a long time since I've shot a coyote and I guess I'm out of the loop. I didn't understand this part:
" scalped, jawed, and in the freezer."
Can you explain, please?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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Hi Craig— The DWR has a predator control program that offers a $50 “bounty” on coyotes killed in Utah. To claim the bounty the participants are required to register by completing a simple test and then presenting the ear scalp and lower jaw of each coyote plus the sex and location (GPS) where the animal was taken. The purpose of the program is to reduce coyote predation on big game animals.
Controversial to some and much appreciated by others.
Keep on fishin’.
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Hey Lynn, do you think the water level will be deep enough for one more trip down this weekend, maybe Sunday morning ?
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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You should be good this weekend. Water depth in launch channel is right around 2.5 feet. Bigger boats than yours were still launching this week. Cats have been hungry all week.
Good luck, hope you find the one I have not been able to find. He is there.[cool]
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Thanks for the heads up (see what I did there?) about the coyote bounty. If you've ever seen what they do to fawns you might be for it. When I see them while I'm big-game hunting I'm usually unwilling to take the chance of spooking the game I'm after by shooting them. Usually city people begin to like the bounty when the coyotes start eating their pets. LA comes to mind. Ok, I'll cut my rant.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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I am a fan of the Predator Control program. My crew and I always do our part to help Utah's deer population.
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Thanks for the reply Lynn. Looks like "we" decided to go to Willard tomorrow instead.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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I thought they did away with allowing roadkill some time ago?
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The new changes will require you to be the one who killed the animal. If you hit it with your car, you will have killed it. Somebody else hits it, you can't get the bounty for that coyote.
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Wow, that looks like about $1000 in bounty. Good job.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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Now I see why you make that yotee run such a priority with your crew... Looks like a great family tradition... Do you take on coons as a target? I've got a total plague of raccoons this year... They are wiping out all of my garden and orchard this year... Been trapping and got 4, but they are still ruining my corn now... Put up a 3-wire electric fence last night, hoping that will slow the destruction.... They ruined my raspberries, cherries and plumb tree so far and now they want the corn, so I'm declaring war... hope I can figure out some way to move this pack somewhere else or wipe them out before they wipe me out.... Anyway nice job on sliming the predators... Later J