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2018 CATFISH CONTEST sharksugar101
Bear River

Not a monster but it's something.

[#00bf00]Way to get out after them... Good for 16.5 points and the ice is broken for the year nice job!!![/#00bf00]
July 25, 2018
Bear river
Channel Cat

[#00bf00]Nice job, good for 25.5 points.... [/#00bf00]
Bear river
Channel Cat

[#008000]Good for 28 points under all that mud and rocks... looks like you're getting after things now... nice job... J[/#008000]
Bear River
Mud cat

[#00BF00]Got the wrong computer but good at 6 points will update on chart as soon as I can... [/#00BF00]
That's all I could catch this morning. Couldn't keep them off the hook.
Bear River
Channel Cat

Bear River
Channel Cat

[#00bf00]Looks like a great trip double 28.5 points... Later J[/#00bf00]
Bear River
Channel cat

[#00bf00]Way to go, good for 30.5 points and mov'en up to forth place...[/#00bf00]
Bear river
Channel Cat

[#00bf00]Man that's a biddy kitty... good for 4 points and a big little lead...[/#00bf00]

Couldn't find the big ones today, but I did find this little guy on the end of my hook.
Got bored so I tied on a little hook under a bobber and finally caught something today. Figured I better defend the small cat trophy.
Awww, how cute [sly] The wife's 4.625" from last Sunday just got beat....and she was hoping to be the first woman winner.........[Wink]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Bear river
Channel Cat

[#00bf00]Good for 30 points.... nice job... J[/#00bf00]
Nice Cat SS. Caught at nite ? I think you and John have got a hidy-hole up on that river somewhere [Wink]
With the days getting a bit shorter and not light quite so early, guess I will just have to get set up on the river a couple hours before daylight.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Forest night works better than early morning for me. I've fished both ends and fish are a lot more active in the PM hours rather than AM. From what I've seen. Maybe others will tell you different, but that's what I've found. Later J
I was going early in the morning, like 3am but it seems like the cats start biting as soon as the sun goes down in the evening lately. I finally got the boat out on the river last night and had some luck. Missed a MONSTER cat around 10pm last night that I bet was over 34 or 35 inches, but it's just a fish tale with no proof. Maybe some time we can meet up out there and gang up on the kitties with Ahi and show ya some secret fishing holes where we have been having some luck.
I really don't have any secret holes. But I'm always open to try new ones. I find that sometimes mornings work and others night is the trick. Its just picking the right one at the right time. After I left you at the ramp sugar I end up with a 30"er that night. must of been around midnight
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did you doing any good at the hole you stopped at after you took your boat out of the water? I tried it today but no takers. Ran into Forest today at the gates. he didnt have much luck. I caught a few 26, 29, 28.5 and a baby 24"er
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There's Always Time For One More Cast
Nice fish! I caught that 30"er that night in the boat and measured it on the shore then loaded up and shore fished the rest of the night. I ended up with a few cats, a couple 26"ers and one 28". Going again for one last shot at that monster I lost before I have to get my butt back to work, maybe I'll see ya out there.
Had another knot come undone while netting a 30"er last night.
It Winked at me with a nice new piercing in its lip and then swam off laughing. I should of took notes in boy scouts when we were knot tying.
What hours of the night have been best for you lately? Or is the day bite better?
Bear river
Channel Cat

[#00bf00]Good for 29.5 points... Nice catch... J[/#00bf00]
Yep, as John reported yesterday, I was fishing 20 yards down the bank from him yesterday. We both got lots and lots of bait steeling nibbles. But he had at least 4 good size (for me good size would be anything that would bump my smallest 22" ) cats take the hook. Using same cut carp bait, same basic area of water. I cast my lines over into the area he had been catching Cats when he left about 12 P.M. No go. Was getting pretty hot (98 on the truck info screen) so I called it a day and headed out about 12:45 . Saw John's truck at the first bridge closest to the east side outhouse, but don't know how he did there. Water looks as if it had come up some, but not alot.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Jeff, in my experience for Catfish, you are correct. And I have done a bit of Cattin at night years and years ago. I was lots younger, and there wasn't any such thing as West Nile, at least not in the U.S anywhere. But now with needing to get up at 3 a.m. for work during the week, I'm either in bed or fallin asleep in my chair by 8 p.m.

So being on or at the water early pre dawn is easier for me. And other fish that feed by sight (Wiper, Walleye, etc.) seem to be more active at daylight before the day gets hot.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Forest I understand and ended up doing the morning thing myself over the weekend but didn't find anything good. Sugar I'll get ya scored later this morning. Nice fish!!
Bear River
Channel cat

[#00bf00]Good for 30 points and it won't count for team North's score since we already have so many fish over 30 this year, that's incredible that we don't count a 30... Nice job though... Later J[/#00bf00]

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