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In regards to the smoke from the California fires, it has always been my understanding that TD INHALES profusely and deeply when there is California smoke in the air, gives him a rush so he can stay on the water longer !!!!
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Now, now. There's a rule here that you have to troll with barbless jokes.
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[quote Therapist]In regards to the smoke from the California fires, it has always been my understanding that TD INHALES profusely and deeply when there is California smoke in the air, gives him a rush so he can stay on the water longer !!!![/quote]
[#0000FF]Only for "medicinal purposes". Us oldsters need all the help we can all areas. Since the "handcart mentality" of Utah Legislators will likely never allow legal access to such "therapies" ya gotta get it however it is available...and legal.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I tried snorting Coke but the bubbles burned my nose. And shooting up with Geritol just don't get it no more. [/#0000FF]
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I always love to read your reports. I love the pictures and your narratives. It looks like the fligs are weightless, and that you are fishing them with some sort of a dropshot setup. What is the size of the fligs and the weight of the dropshot?
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LLoyd, a Flig is a Floating Jig. The body is foam, and its two-fold purpose is to suspend the bait up above the bottom a bit, and offer some visual attraction.
One picks the weight to suit the wind, drift rate, etc. Then one adjusts the leader length to hold the flig where the fish seem to want it at the time. It's more of a Carolina rig than a dropshot, but with a fixed versus a slip sinker, usually.
Pat will acknowledge that he didn't invent the concept - but I'll vouch that he's well on the way to perfecting it.
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[#0000FF]Hey Lloyd, now that you are back amongst us I will have to introduce you to the fine art of fligology. As Rocky has so succinctly put it, I did not invent them but I am creating a lot of new styles and colors. So far, they have proven very effective on almost all Utah species...including chubs and carp.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I am in the process of doing a complete rewrite, but here is the first tutorial I put together on fligs.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]PS...Walleyes love 'em. That was what they were invented for in the first place.
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Pat, Thanks for the help...It's taking me a little bit of time to get back into the fishing schedule I used to have. I am especially appreciative of the tutorial. You hit a very special spot when you mentioned "Walleye."
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[#0000FF]What? Do you like walleye?
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I thought you would really be surprised about my excitement regarding walleye!